Thursday 24 December 2015

Aqua Art's Day

Today is one of the important day in this semester of this subject which we doing our final project "Aqua Art's Day"

In this project , each group must make their own accesories with aquatic plant for an example put aquatic plant on the paper to make a bookmark, use aquatic plant to make a frame , aquascape , food and many more. 

The accesories that we sell in Aqua Art's Day :

  1. Bookmark (Hydrilla  sp.  ,   Pistia sp.  etc )
  2. Frame of freshwater macrophytes
  3. Aquascape
  4. Food (Latok with umai) - A traditional food from Sabah and Sarawak

After we done selling, we take one sample of each group and promote it to the lectures and staff of Department of Aquaculture.

PIcture 1 : With our lecture Dr.Natrah

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